
The config on this page is not always up to date. However, the one on the GitHub repository will always be up to date.

#              _                               ___      __         _     _        #
#     /\      | |                             | \ \    / /        (_)   | |       #
#    /  \   __| |_   ____ _ _ __   ___ ___  __| |\ \  / /_ _ _ __  _ ___| |__     #
#   / /\ \ / _` \ \ / / _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \/ _` | \ \/ / _` | '_ \| / __| '_ \    #
#  / ____ \ (_| |\ V / (_| | | | | (_|  __/ (_| |  \  / (_| | | | | \__ \ | | |   #
# /_/    \_\__,_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___\___|\__,_|   \/ \__,_|_| |_|_|___/_| |_|   #
# Made by quantiom, config made for v1.2.2

# GitBook page:

# Messages in this config use MiniMessage formatting
# For example, the message "&4Hello &a&lWorld" would need to be "<red>Hello <green><bold>World"
# Please check the documentation for more information:

# Automatically check for updates
check-for-updates: true

# WARNING: The three following options will be IGNORED if cross-server-support is enabled

# Enable vanish on join
vanish-on-join: true
# Saves the vanish state when a player logs off
# Example: Player joins with `vanish-on-join` enabled, turns
# off vanish, and rejoins without vanish enabled
keep-vanish-state: false
# The option above must be set to true
# Stores vanish states to a file, so they
# persist outside of server restarts
keep-vanish-state-persistent: false

# Cross-server vanish synchronization
# Requires Redis or SQL
  enabled: false
  # Either "redis" or "sql"
  mode: "redis"
    ip: ""
    port: 6379
    auth: ""
    ip: ""
    port: 3306
    username: "root"
    password: ""
    database: "minecraft"
    table-prefix: "advancedvanish_"

# Actions when players are vanished
# true = enabled, false = disabled
  join-messages: false
  leave-messages: false
  send-messages: false
  break-blocks: false
  place-blocks: false
  interact: false
  attack-entities: false
  receive-damage-from-entities: false
  open-and-use-chests: false
  pick-up-items: false
  drop-items: false
  # Find potion effect names here:
  # Write each effect in this format: "NAME:AMPLIFIER"
  # Example: "INVISIBILITY:2"
    - "NIGHT_VISION:1"
  lose-hunger: false
  mob-targeting: false
    enable: true
    keep-on-unvanish: false # The "keep-fly-on-unvanish" permission will override this if the player has that permission

# Permissions
  vanish: "advancedvanish.vanish"
  version-command: "advancedvanish.version-command"
  help-command: ""
  reload-config-command: "advancedvanish.reload-config-command"
  interact-command: "advancedvanish.interact-command"
  priority-command: "advancedvanish.priority-command"
  list-command: "advancedvanish.list-command"
  status-command: "advancedvanish.status-command"
  toggle-other-command: "advancedvanish.toggle-other-command"
  set-other-command: "advancedvanish.set-other-command"
  keep-fly-on-unvanish: "advancedvanish.keep-fly"
  join-vanished: "advancedvanish.join-vanished"

# Fake join/leave messages
    enable: false
    # Placeholders:
    #   %priority% - The player's vanish priority
    message: "<yellow>%player-name% has joined the game"
    enable: false
    # Placeholders:
    #   %player-name% - The player's name
    message: "<yellow>%player-name% has left the game."

# Hooks that will add support to other plugins
# Some hooks will not be enabled if the required plugin(s) are not found
  # Hides players from Essentials commands such as: /list, /whois, etc...
  essentials: true
  # Requires ProtocolLib, removes vanished players from the server list (player count and players)
  server-list: true
  # Requires PlaceholderAPI, adds multiple placeholders which are configurable
  # in the placeholders section of this config
  placeholders: true
  # Shows a message above the hotbar if a player is vanished
  # The configurable message is in the messages section below.
  # Does NOT require or use ActionBarAPI
  actionbar: true
  # Requires DiscordSRV, sends a fake leave and join message when vanished/unvanished
  # and also requires the fake-join-message-on-unvanish / fake-leave-message-on-vanish to be
  # enabled (which is above)
  discordsrv: true
  # Requires Dynmap, will hide vanished players from the website
  dynmap: true
  # Requires squaremap, will hide vanished players from the website
  squaremap: true
  # Requires LibsDisguises, removes disguises when vanished
  libsdisguises: true
  # Requires PlayerParticles, removes active particles when vanished
  playerparticles: true

# Requires the "placeholders" hook to be enabled
  # The placeholder identifier
  identifier: "advancedvanish"

  # All of these placeholders will be in the format of
  # %<identifier>_<placeholder>%
  # Ex: %advancedvanish_is_vanished%
  is-vanished: "is_vanished"
  vanished-players: "vanished_players"
  player-count: "player_count"

# Vanish Priority - Requires a supported permissions plugin to function
# Allows players with higher priorities to see vanished players from
# lower priorities without the lower priority players being able to see
# them, but they will still all be in vanish.
# Supported permissions plugins:
#   - LuckPerms (recommended)
#   - bPermissions
#   - GroupManager
# To add the priority meta: (default is 0)
#   LuckPerms: /lp user/group <user|group> meta set meta.<meta-key> <priority-num>
#     (ex: /lp user quantiom meta set advancedvanish-priority 5)
#   bPermissions: (/user OR /group) meta <meta-key> <priority-num>
#     (ex: /user meta advancedvanish-priority 5)
#   GroupManager: Add the permission <meta-key>.<priority-num>, and AdvancedVanish will use the highest number
#     (ex: /manuaddp quantiom advancedvanish-priority.5)
  enable: true
  meta-key: "advancedvanish-priority" # will be meta.advancedvanish-priority.<num>

# Messages that are sent to players.
# Set any message here to "" to display nothing.
  # Set/enable a prefix used before all messages
    enabled: true
    value: "<red>[AdvancedVanish]<white> "
  no-permission: "<red>You do not have permission to use this command."
  config-reloaded: "Successfully reloaded the config."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %version% - The plugin version
  version-command: "This server is running AdvancedVanish <red>%version%<white> by quantiom"
  vanish-on: "You are now in vanish."
  vanish-off: "You are no longer in vanish."
  cannot-chat-while-vanished: "You cannot chat while you are in vanish."
  cannot-place-blocks-while-vanished: "You cannot place blocks while you are in vanish."
  cannot-break-blocks-while-vanished: "You cannot break blocks while you are in vanish."
  cannot-attack-entities-while-vanished: "You cannot attack entities while you are in vanish."
  cannot-drop-items-while-vanished: "You cannot drop items while you are in vanish."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %type% - The container type
  opening-container-silently: "Opening %type% silently..."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %priority% - The player's vanish priority
  vanish-priority: "Your vanish priority is <red>%priority%<white>."
  not-using-vanish-priority: "You are not using vanish priority, it can be enabled in the config."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %vanished-players% - A list of vanished players, or "None"
  vanished-list: "Vanished players: <red>%vanished-players%"
  # Placeholders:
  #   %target-name% - The target's username
  #   %vanish-status% - "on" or "off"
  #   %vanish-status-word% - "vanished" or "not vanished"
  vanish-status-command: "<red>%target-name%<white> is currently <red>%vanish-status-word%<white>."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %target-name% - The target's username
  #   %vanish-status% - "on" or "off"
  #   %vanish-status-word% - "vanished" or "not vanished"
  # This message is also used with the toggle command
  vanish-set-other-command: "<white>Set <red>%target-name%'s<white> vanish to <red>%vanish-status%<white>."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %target-name% - The target's username
  #   %vanish-status% - "on" or "off"
  #   %vanish-status-word% - "vanished" or "not vanished"
  vanish-set-other-command-already: "<red>%target-name%<white> is already <red>%vanish-status-word%"
  must-be-vanished-to-use-command: "<red>You must be vanished to use this command."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %interact-status%" - "on" or "off"
  vanish-interact-toggled: "<white>You have turned %interact-status% interacting while vanished."
  action-bar: "<red>You are in vanish."
  disguise-removed-because-vanish: "Your disguise has been <red>removed<white> because you are in vanish"

# Messages from the command handler
  # Will use the prefix from the message section above before all of these messages
  use-prefix: true
  unknown-command: "<red>Invalid arguments."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %command%
  #   %syntax%
  invalid-syntax: "<red>Usage: %command% %syntax%"
  error-performing-command: "<red>There was an error performing this command."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %search% - The given player name
  could-not-find-player: "<red>Couldn't find a player by the name of %search%."
  # Placeholders:
  #   %error% - The error message
  generic-error: "<red>Error: %error%"

# Config version - Do NOT change this manually
config-version: 9

Last updated